To find receipt, please enter the information below and click the Search button.
(If you enter both, driver's license and Credit Card, you will only see receipts that match both criteria).
Drivers License Issuing Country/Region And State:
Drivers License Number:
Please do not include spaces or dashes.
Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Please do not include spaces or dashes.
Advanced Search Options
Search Dates
Enter approximate Pick-up date:
(Please note, the search cannot be conducted by drop-off dates.)
Enter Rental Record Number:
Glossary of Fees and Charges on Your Receipt
Possible Issues Finding a Receipt:
1. It may take up to 7 days after the vehicle is returned before the receipt is available.
2. Receipts are only available online for 6 months from the date the car was returned.
3. Rentals on company Hertz Charge Cards may require a driver's license for retrieval.
4. A maximum of 20 receipts can be displayed. Please use "Advanced Search Options" to narrow your search.
5. Receipts for Tasmania, Australia will only be found using a driver's license.
6. Receipts for New Zealand rentals are not available online. Please contact
If it has been at least 7 days from when you returned the car and the Thrifty website is not displaying your receipt,
you can also
reach us by e-mail.