Travel Center

Keep Calm and Travel On

Hey, we get it. Traveling to an unfamiliar place can be confusing. That’s why we’re writing this page of safety tips to make sure you have the best travel experience possible. Because we trust that you’ve got this, but we’re also overprotective.

Indulge us, yeah? Here’s some friendly advice from Thrifty (and the American Automobile Association and the American Car Rental Association.)

Let Us Steer You in the Right Direction

That person who says they definitely know where they’re going? Just in case they don’t, ask the Thrifty counter staff to slip you a map before you leave the rental center. You’ll thank us later.

Still got lost? That’s okay, happens to the best of us. Ask for directions in a well-lit public place, preferably from a police officer. The advice your mom gave you when you were 10 didn’t stop being true when you earned your driver’s license, you know.

Stick to your route, don’t take shortcuts you’re not familiar with, and listen to your friendly Thrifty representative if they tell you to avoid a certain area. We’re always looking out for you.

Stay Smart. Stay Safe. Stay Put.

We want your journey to go smoothly. But sometimes, we all experience a bump in the road.

If you do you encounter an issue, like a problem with your car or another motorist who needs assistance, don’t pull over on the roadway or shoulder. Stay in your car, drive to the nearest well-lighted public area, and notify the proper authorities. Only pull over for vehicles with blue and red flashing lights, not white (the driver of the road maintenance truck will be very confused if you do.)

If it’s an emergency, dial 911. We know you’ll keep a cool head, and we’re proud of you.

While it’s usually best to stay in your vehicle if you encounter an unexpected situation, there is one exception. If someone is threatening you with a gun or a knife, give up the car immediately. We love our cars, but we can guarantee they’re less valuable than your life. Report the incident to the police and to us, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Do Have a Great Trip

You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. This do’s and don’ts list is just a refresher course, because it never hurts to brush up on your travel safety know-how.

●       Don’t leave your car doors or windows unlocked. We love our cars, and we’d love them back in one piece.

●       Don’t leave your car unattended with the engine running. See above.

●       Don’t carry large amounts of cash. Your bank account will thank you.

●       Don’t leave your valuables in plain sight. Your trunk and glove compartment exist for your peace of mind.

●       Don’t pick up hitchhikers. Even if they’re cute.

●       Don’t park, stop to buy gas, use a pay phone, or use an ATM in a dark area. Well-lit, populated areas are your friend.

●       Don’t use ATMs at night, unless absolutely necessary. See above.

●       Do look around before walking towards a parked car. Stay in the moment. Even if you get an exciting text.

●       Do check the vehicle’s interior before unlocking the doors. We hear you saying “yes mom,” and we’re okay with that.

●       Do have your keys ready as you approach the car. That way, you can hop right in and be off on your merry way.

●       Do buckle up! Pretty please. We really care about you.


Stay safe out there, kids. Love, your pals at Thrifty.

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