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Used Vehicle Peace of Mind

Carfax logoRest assured that when you buy a used vehicle from Thrifty Car Rental, you can buy with peace of mind. We perform all manufacturer recommended service throughout the lifetime of each vehicle. And we not only inspect our vehicles at mileage milestones, we inspect them every time a vehicle is rented and returned.

Buy today for peace of mind tomorrow.

Exclusive savings for Carfax customers

Want to test drive or rent a vehicle? Carfax customers save 5% on the rental of any vehicle. Enter your reservation details to save now.


Terms and Conditions

  • 5% off, time and mileage only, on car rental.
  • A four day maximum rental is allowed at the discounted rate.
  •  24-hour advance reservations are required.
  • Limited number of vehicles available at this discount.
  • Renter must meet minimum age, driver and credit requirements.
  • Additional charges, cost recovery fees, holiday and other blackout periods apply.
  • This offer may not be used with any other offer or promotion has no cash value.
  • To receive this offer, reservation must include promo code CRFX.

  • Top US Rental Car Locations

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